Our security consultants possess extensive experience in advising regional and global clients across various industries, including automotive, construction, energy, financial services, and real estate, among others. GMR Security services are designed to help you establish a safe environment through comprehensive threat assessments, policy and procedure reviews and development, and security audits. Crises can often arise unexpectedly, whether from natural disasters, manmade incidents, or criminal activities. Leverage our expertise in advance to ensure that you and your teams are well-prepared to respond effectively to any crisis or emergency situation.

Threat and Vulnerability Risk Assessments

Effective security starts with a comprehensive understanding of vulnerabilities. Our established methodology analyzes security from multiple perspectives to effectively mitigate risks within the operating environment, including the technology used and the impact of human behavior.

Security Audits and Reviews

Security audits and reviews evaluate the effectiveness of your organization’s security policies and procedures. Our consultants will identify existing security gaps and address factors contributing to non-compliance with the security program.

Policy and Procedure Review and Development

The dynamic landscape of security necessitates ongoing assessment of policies and regular updates to procedures in order to effectively address emerging threats. Our team is prepared to conduct a thorough analysis and evaluation of your current policies and procedures. We will collaborate with you to develop more robust and tailored security programs.

Security Planning Services

  • Crisis Management and Emergency Response
  • Pre & Post-Transaction Due Diligence
  • Request for Proposal Content Development
  • Training